Grade 7, Unit 3 Sample Materials

Program Sample – English Language Arts, Grade 7

Here are sample pages from a SpringBoard English Language Arts Teacher's Edition. You will see corresponding Student Edition pages integrated throughout.

The sample Embedded Assessment asks students to demonstrate mastery through writing a literary analysis essay focusing specifically on citing textual evidence to support their analyses.

In the activities leading to this Embedded Assessment, you will notice:

  • The use of the pre-AP strategy SIFT to analyze how symbol, imagery and figurative language contribute to tone and theme.
  • Language and Writer's Craft Activities connect grammar rules with literary analysis revisions.
  • Students are asked to analyze a poem, focusing on the literary term, "allusion" and connecting that poem to the novel, Tangerine.
  • Student tasks include analyzing motifs and themes of the novel, finding and citing textual evidence – and working collaboratively to outline their literary analysis essay.

In the second half of the unit, students analyze a poem, a film and a nonfiction text—finding and citing textual evidence and making connections among them. Students also analyze famous speeches— preparing to create a biographical presentation.

Unit 3, Grade 7

View the Sample Unit
