Grade 10, Unit 1 Sample Materials

Here are sample pages from a SpringBoard English Language Arts Teacher's Edition. You will see corresponding Student Edition pages integrated throughout.

The sample Embedded Assessment asks students to think about how the extent of one’s culture influences one’s worldview, and then incorporate textual evidence from the unit into a written argument.

In the activities leading to this Embedded Assessment, you will notice:

  • The use of the pre-AP strategy SOAPStone to explore the context and rhetoric of an essay.
  • Language Activities require students to consider how syntax affects tone.
  • Students are asked to analyze an essay, focusing on the literary term, "concession" as it relates to Robert Lake’s argumentative essay “An Indian Father’s Plea."
  • Student tasks include connecting motifs and themes of the novel, finding and citing textual evidence and consulting with a mentor text.

In the second half of the unit, students analyze a poem, a short story and a nonfiction text—finding and citing textual evidence and making connections among them. Students also analyze famous essays—preparing to construct a synthesis paper.

Unit 1, Grade 10

View the Sample Unit
