Page 18 - SpringBoard_Writing_Workshop_Grade7_Flipbook
P. 18
After Reading
4. When you have finished reading, respond to the questions below in the space provided. Be prepared to discuss your answers with your classmates.
a. Purpose: What is the writer’s purpose for writing this argument? (Refer to the sentence in the first paragraph that you highlighted for the claim or thesis of the essay.)
The purpose is to convince the audience to reconsider the assumption that chewing gum in school distracts from student achievement and effective learning.
b. Audience: Who do you think the writer had in mind as an audience for this argument? To whom do the reasons and evidence seem addressed? How do you know?
The target audience seems to be school policy makers, as suggested by “Teachers and administrators alike say it is distracting . . .”; “. . .if schools are interested in improving student achievement, they will rethink their policy”; “. . . urge our school administration to change its thinking.”
c. Support: What facts, examples, and personal experiences does the writer present as evidence to support the argument? What evidence is most relevant and effective, and why?
Facts, examples, personal experiences presented as evidence: “movement of the jaw can help keep students awake”
“soldiers have chewed gum since World War I to improve concentration”
“insulin, which enhances learning and memory, is released to the brain and helps it to concentrate and focus”
Most effective support includes (1) “a direct link between physical alertness and chewing gum,” (2) “Soldiers have chewed gum ... to improve concentration.” (3) “insulin, which enhances learning and memory, is released to the brain and helps it to concentrate and focus”
Most relevant support includes (1) “chewing gum raises your metabolism by 20 percent”; (2) “As a result of this chewing motion, research has shown that insulin, which enhances learning and memory, is released to the brain and helps it to concentrate and focus.” (3) “. . . students who chewed gum during class over a 14-week period had a significant increase in test scores and received a better final grade compared to those who had not chewed gum.”
d. Opposing Viewpoints: What opposing viewpoints does the writer offer? The writer introduces opposing points of view in the introduction and in the second paragraph (“Teachers and administrators alike say it is distracting, and it creates a janitorial nightmare.” and “. . . gum is an unhealthy habit . . .”).
The introductory opposing points of view are balanced against the more important function of school, which is to encourage
Writing Workshop 2 • Argumentative Writing 3
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