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Writing Workshop 1 (continued)
Editor’s/Writer’s Checklist
Capitalization: Did you capitalize the first word of sentences, proper nouns, and titles?
Complete Sentences: Are all of your sentences complete thoughts? Correct all fragments and run-ons that might be present in your draft.
Pronouns: Is pronoun use appropriate and consistent?
Varied Sentences: Are your sentences (simple, compound, complex) and lengths varied for interest and emphasis?
Spell Check: Circle words that might be misspelled. Use available resources (e.g., spell check, dictionary, or peer) to correct errors in spelling.
Typographical Errors: Read your draft aloud, and carefully watch for typographical errors. Correct errors.
Stage 7: Publishing
“The best way out is always through.” —Robert Frost
1. Describe your experiences with publishing your writing for a larger audience.
2. After completing a written piece, a writer has many choices for publication. Brainstorm a list of publishing options available to you.
Examples of authentic audiences appropriate for students’ selected genre might include the school or local newspaper, a school or syndicated literary magazine, online student writing contests, shared reading to an audience of peers or younger students, etc.
3. In preparation for completing a final draft, consider the following:
• If appropriate, review your research on the conventions of your selected
genre. Type your final draft and adhere to appropriate formatting. Incorporate
illustrations into your final if they support your writing and add reader interest.
• Brainstorm a list of possible titles by listing key words or phrases. Identify
a word or phrase that captures the central idea of your text. Choose an appropriate title for your final draft.
4. Your teacher will provide you with the final guidelines for publication. Take notes on those guidelines, and revise your draft accordingly.
12 SpringBoard® Writing Workshop with Grammar Activities Grade 7
Editing Rule
Consistent Voice: Is your point of view consistent? (first, second, or third person)?
Subject-Verb Agreement: Are verb endings correct? Do all of your subjects agree with verbs in person and number?
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